How it works?
Questions asked about the global ban system
Who do you ban?
We understand the worries of having a bot control bans in your server so what makes ours different? Unlike most global ban systems we only ban users who break Discords own terms of service and guidelines. We do not accept any reports that are simply missing evidence of the user breaking said TOS or guidelines and will not ban users for personal issues. We aim to have the highest standard ban system and will stand by any bans we make with full confidence.
Are you breaking Discords guidelines?
Are you breaking Discords terms of service?
Can we appeal?
Of course, Even though we stand by all our bans we're willing to let users defend themselves. While you start an appeal you will remain global banned by our bot until the appeal process is over. Please note, If you're unbanned and get reported/banned again you will not be able to appeal.
You can appeal by joining this server : and making a ticket.
Do you store report information?
Yes, When a user is reported to us the information is saved so we can backup our bans or if the user makes an appeal we can use it to prove the claims of "i didn't do anything" to be wrong.
We will never give out any reporters names or details you have provided, Upon request of the person who has been banned we will however provide the evidence to him so he knows why he was banned and knows the ban is justified.
What happens if i get global banned?
A common question asked, If you're global banned by our bot you won't be able to access any server our bot is in and you will be added to our public ban list to warn others.
Server owners can choose to unban users from their servers if they would like but we highly advise not to do this.
Last updated