
Commands to protect your servers

Report users - Globally

If you witness users breaking Discords terms of service or guidelines and being malicious to others then you can report them anonymously to our staff team for review.

>greport @user users/links

We highly advise running this command in a private channel. Please note, If you don't provide evidence with the links it will be denied. We advise to use the form at the top of our website to report users but you can use the in server command if you would like.

Anyone who abuses the report system will be blacklisted from using the bots commands.

Blacklisted words - Coming soon v1.2

Enable or disable our blacklisted words system.

>badwords on/off

We highly advise you keep this enabled to keep your chats clean.

Anti invites - Coming soon v1.2

Sick of users joining and just posting invites? You can enable or disable this system.

Note: For now the system will block all invites! Soon we will have settings to allow invites only in selected channels.

>invites on/off

We highly advise you keep this enabled to prevent users advertising

Bug report

Found a bug? Use this command to send it directly to our discord.

>bugreport reason

Anyone who abuses the bug report will be blacklisted from the bot.

Last updated